Friday, July 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Week 1

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!
I realize I haven’t been very good about posting recently, but since I’m up at 4 in the morning I figured I’d do something productive. Or more productive than working on my Pintrest boards, anyway. Why am I up at 4, you ask? Let’s just say I can’t sleep because of an apparent attempted break-in at my father-in-law’s house about 30 minutes ago. He lives next door to us. And there was a trail in the yard leading from his house to ours. Yeah. So if anyone wants to drop by, depending on who you are and your intentions, I’ve got a shotgun or a cup of coffee waiting on you.
I came up with the most DELICIOUS snack this past week. I was dying for something sweet, but I didn’t want to go too crazy because I’m trying to lose baby weight from Thing 1 and Thing 2. So as I’m rummaging through my pantry I see a box of graham crackers and it was like a light from heaven shone down around me. Here’s what I came up with:
Get two graham crackers and put a thin layer of cream cheese on each (I used whipped). Grab a small amount of chocolate chips and drizzle them over one of the crackers. Put the two crackers together and eat like a sandwich. Yummy! Taste kinda like tuxedo cheesecake. You know, if you squint your eyes a little and tilt your head to the left.
I’ve decided to go ahead and finish school this next semester. I’ve only got my student teaching left, but I hate the idea of basically having a full time job and not being able to be at home with my babies. In the long run it’ll help that I have a degree, but for now I’m sick over the idea of not being with them every moment. Pray for us if you think of it, that this time will pass quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Here at our household, we’re getting a little tight on space. We have a three bedroom two bath home that my super smart and awesome hubby had paid off before we ever met. But with two wee ones getting bigger and more mobile, we’ve realized we’re going to outgrow this house fairly quickly, especially as more kiddos come along. So I’ve been looking for ways to cut back on our expenses as much as possible so we can pay as much cash for a house as possible, and I think I’ve come up with a few. I’ll be posting more on that over the next few weeks.
I’ve gone a little crazy this past week pinning things that are specifically for holidays. Decorations, crafts, gift ideas, activities, etc. I’m so ready for fall to be here I’m practically salivating over it. My littles will be experiencing it all for the first time, and I’m ready to get the ball rolling. So if I also start posting random things about Thanksgiving/Christmas/Halloween/fall/winter and it’s still summer, just excuse me. I have a problem.
Reading more on the saints has been on my to-do list for forever, and I’ve decided to start with Faustina. I love the Divine Mercy chaplet. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve come across in the Church, and I’d love to learn more about the woman Jesus charged with sharing it. Maybe if I put it here that I’m planning on doing this I’ll be more likely to actually do it.
I must say, I’m rather impressed with myself. One of the babes woke up about take three, but fell right back asleep as soon as I sat down on the couch with him. So for the most part I’ve typed this entire post with one hand and unable to see the majority of the keyboard. This momma’s got talent! Haha! (And there’s the sleepy delirium. Wondered when it’d show up).

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!